Many were those who for some justifiable reasons, have expressed and continue to express surprise and bemusement about the apparent loud silence of the gentleman of NUGS fame and the failure of his captivating pen to occupy the just ended NUGS congress in view of the several outlandish occurrences recorded at the botched programme which took away its shine. Some cynics even proceeded to insinuate that Iddi has astonishingly, lost his stouthearted pen and thus, lacked the requisite bravado and testicular fortitude to occupy his own. Hahaha they really do not appreciate what it means to be an avowed occupier. This very occupation nonetheless, is not in response to them but a natural occurrence which would have happened anyway because characteristically, I take some few days to reflect on what to occupy so that my account becomes watertight and bereft of bugs.
Now, the Occupation: ...
Like I always say, the essence of this exercise or rendition is not to affront the good name of any union or association but rather to bring to the fore, the issues as happened for the purpose of learning the necessary lessons to guide us moving forward. Arguably, NUGS did not get it right at all as far as this year's congress is concerned; owing to a number of factors. So what went wrong? Fundamentally, 4 core issues av identified which are as follows:
1) The choice of Okuapeman SHS
2) The nauseating bedbugs saga
3) The inexplicable failure to hold CC on day two of congress as scheduled
4) The unpardonable negligence of the EC
Even though I had earlier sought to justify the choice of Okuass as the congress venue because I didn't have any reason to doubt the LOC, I think that, with the benefit of hindsight, they certainly could have done much better is getting us a better alternative in the same region after the disappointment from the Presby college of education. The LOC again did very little by way of properly inspecting the accommodation facilities of the institution and ensuring that they were at least, up to scratch before the arrival of delegates because they (the LOC) were of the mistaking belief that the assurances from the school authorities were enough to allay all fears but this, unfortunately was not the case. The accommodation challenges were so overwhelmingly manifest much to our dismay. We all had to help clean up the place even on the arrival day which was surely, inconveniencing and somewhat, problematic.
Admittedly, there were issues of bedbugs invading the accommodation facilities at the congress ground which really tormented some delegates even though, the issue was somewhat, exaggerated on social media but one cannot begrudge such alarmists because there cannot be any justification for delegates to be made to experience such disservice in this 21st century. Without seeking to do any inept rationalization, the issue of beg bugs is a no news in the nation's second cycle institutions because it is almost ubiquitous. Am sure we all anticipated this problem the very day we were informed that the congress would be held in a senior high school.
So what measures were put in place? I can confirm that the place was indeed fumigated four days before our arrival (day 1); perhaps the animals were just too stubborn for the chemicals. That notwithstanding, the rooms were re-fumigated twice at the expense of the union, the following day in view of the public outcry before it was somewhat, brought under control, thou not completely arrested. This obsession or preoccupation in the early hours of Thursday affected the first activity of congress (float and outreach to Akropong school for the blind) which couldn't come off.
Even as the general secretary of the union, I still do not understand why the congress CC wasn't held on the eve of Thursday as planned. Almost everyone was prepared for it but to no avail. The excuses for me were at best, inept, preposterous and irreconcilable. We wasted the entire evening doing a lot of nothing. How pathetic! At a point in time, I wish I had the constitutional powers to convene CC in the circumstance but hmmm. This rather reprehensible action gave room for all the suspicions, aspersions and innuendos that were being casted. Obviously, our failure to hold the CC as scheduled but rather Friday night (which was meant for live band jams) only brought avoidable tension to the ground and affected our activities for Friday and early hours of Saturday due to the issues that emanated from the infamous vetting results, which almost destroyed the congress.
I salute the NUGS Judicial Board for righting the wrongs eventually and bringing back those candidates that were unduly disqualified. To me, the vetting committee was simply disappointing to say the least. I equally salute the Ghana Police Service for the ginormously fantabulous services and support we received from the men in uniform relative to the maintenance of peace and order at the ground.
Only when we all thought everything was over and that elections (the last congress event) could proceed in earnest (thou quite very late), we were again greeted by what I call, the anticlimax of the whole congress from the EC. How on earth could the EC wrongly give a candidate a different name and proceeds to print the ballot papers without any checks or the necessary meticulousness? Absolutely, unpardonable if u ask me. This eventually led to the abrupt dissolution of congress by the steering committee, the EC and NEC because that was the only option at the time.
I know you wouldn't believe that after the botched elections and the subsequent dissolution of congress, some of our colleagues (delegates from various institutions) decided to steal the school mattresses which were hired by the union. Over 138 mattresses were unaccounted for in the final analysis. How sad! Now if each mattress as we are being told, is costing a little over GHS 90, then u can can imagine how much financial loss we have caused to the union we claim we love because surely, the has to, by all mean, replace all the stolen mattresses. If u know u were guilty, then shame on you and don't forget that the union shall come after you sooner or later. Posterity shall surely judge all of us.
As they say, every coin has a silver lining, so is it the case that a number of positives were recorded at the congress aside the fascinating social engineering we all witnessed; where people made great friends across the gender divide, the opening ceremony was very successful, the CC was excellent until the declaration of the unpopular vetting results which threw the whole house into haywire and unimaginable kerfuffle. There were generally no issues with both the quality and quantity of food served except for the occasional delays, the trip to Boti falls was also great and nostalgic. Same can also be said about the games and the press conference among other positive milestones achieved. As we promised you, there were also no issues of NPP and NDC student caucus trying to outdo each other; perhaps due to the subtle emergence of a 3rd caucus, which is generally seen as a breakaway of one of the two traditional caucuses.
All in all, NUGS congress was not successful this year and I shed tears that after giving all my all in service of the union, together with my other colleagues, this is our bizarre story which shall go in history and be told generations. How saddened I feel but I hope our Maker will as usual, provide us comfort. As a fallible being as I am, I pray u forgive me if I ever wronged u in line of duty and in private life. But I do not regret serving the Union and am confident that I shall be judged on the positive side posterity. AMEEEEEN
Please watch out for the next destination of my pen
A brother in student struggle. Aluta Continua! Victoria Ascerta!
Thank you.
Iddi Muhayu-deen
The gentleman of NUGS fame
Pls share to create awareness....